Month: October 2009

How embarassing!

How embarassing!

We all receive forwards from time to time. I rarely continue by forwarding to others, but you would know the one time that I decide to click the forward button… My daughter sent an email that was inspiring. It told a lot about love. Love 

Aging: Words of encouragement from a 9 year old

Aging: Words of encouragement from a 9 year old

Well, I turned 40 last month. I’ve never given much thought to aging. Getting older has never bothered me…until this year. 40. 40. I still find myself saying it aloud, sometimes. Maybe I am trying to convince myself that I really am FORTY! I made 

Tricks and treats and “Paranormal Activity”

Tricks and treats and “Paranormal Activity”

Tricks and treats and “Paranormal Activity”

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Sensory Perception

Sensory Perception

I am amazed at how the change in seasons can guide creativity. Spring and Fall are my favorite seasons. Now that Fall is in the air, I can feel it luring me. The smell of the air around me creates a serene mindset, filled with