Nanowrimo 2021 – Are you in?

Nanowrimo 2021 – Are you in?

I’ve planned to participate in Nanowrimo every year, well, for years. Work always gets in the way. Not this year! My account is set, initial word count added. The clock starts today! If you’re participating, let’s be buddies. And good luck to us all! I’m excited to 

Double check the locks, look under the bed, say your prayers, and read at your own risk

Double check the locks, look under the bed, say your prayers, and read at your own risk

I’m stoked about the release of Nightmares of Strangers: An Anthology of Eerie, Strange, and Spooky Stories coming October 22. It was so much fun writing “The Costume” and bringing the dead to life, so to speak. Each story brings it own helping of horrors 

BOOK REVIEW: Beating the Workplace Bully: A Tactical Guide to Taking Charge by Lynne Curry Ph.D.

BOOK REVIEW: Beating the Workplace Bully: A Tactical Guide to Taking Charge by Lynne Curry Ph.D.

At one point or another, most of us have encountered some form of bully in our lives. Some bullies are more subtle than others. You know the kind: the “I’m just joking” or “I just want to help” bully. Add the workplace in the mix 

Impromptu Quarantine Post: Staying safe from the ’rona, sheltering with 2 dogs and a cat, and writing

Impromptu Quarantine Post: Staying safe from the ’rona, sheltering with 2 dogs and a cat, and writing

I hope everyone is healthy and staying safe in these crazy times. I’ve been self-isolating with my dogs and cat. My sister is the only person I’ve visited since the first of March. I miss my children and grandchildren! Crafting with my sister is always 

Patience is a virtue…

Patience is a virtue…

I moved my personal blog from Blogger to WP, y’all! I’m in the process of revamping it, so you’ll see some old (like OLD) posts in the meantime. I’m hurrying! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

Instructions are for smart people only, right?

Instructions are for smart people only, right?

I seriously wonder about people sometimes… I think most people will agree that instructions (or in publishing: guidelines) exist for a reason. So, why are some people determined to go against them? What am I ranting about? Unsolicited attachments in email messages. I just do 

Christmas, love, and some darned good books!

Christmas, love, and some darned good books!

Well, dear readers o’ my blog, I’ve enjoyed some much needed down time. Christmastime is the best, isn’t it! The smells, the decorations, family and friends, and most of all celebrating Christ’s birth. It reminds me of an Avalon song telling us “don’t save it 

Book Review: Peaceful Passage (Kim West PhD)

Book Review: Peaceful Passage (Kim West PhD)

As I began reading Kim West’s Peaceful Passage I have to admit I was emotionally transported to the past. The full title of Kim’s book is what lured me to want –no have– to read it; even before I had read the summary. Peaceful Passage: 

Freakin’ out the dog

Freakin’ out the dog

Everyone has “one of those days” every once in a while. Well, I’ve had several of “those days” here lately. The Mississippi heat and humidity is draining. The humidity makes it feel like 105 instead of the 99 degrees reported on most of the regional 

When being proficient is insufficient

When being proficient is insufficient

I have been proficient with computers, html, and such for many years but for some reason WordPress is giving me major headaches. My intent was to start a WordPress site for RWHI but I seem to be making the biggest mess of it. I welcome