
Sheri Williams writes eerie and spooky stories for middle grade and YA readers, short stories for self-imposed therapy, and true crime nonfiction.

Always a Mississippi girl at heart, she now lives in Arkansas. While her reading tastes are eclectic, her southern roots mean she can never pass up good southern fiction.

Sheri loves true crime TV, horror movies (though she often watches from behind her hands), vampires, zombies, and all things creepy. She also loves history: books, TV, movies, research.

She has four grown children, 4.5 grandchildren, two dog children, and a diva grandcat. Her Motto: "Family means everything! Jesus IS everything!"

Day Job
Sheri is a publisher and editor at TouchPoint Press. She has worked in the publishing industry for over 24 years. Her educational background is journalism, creative writing, business administration, and criminal justice.

What does she do in her spare time?
Sheri loves crafts and painting and was a partner in an arts and custom crafts store in Mississippi in the 1990s. Since then, most of her work has been for close friends and family with the occasional custom piece. She loves crafting with her sister (aka The Garage Girls). She loves chalk art so much that she may or may not have supplies from several chalk companies. She loves DIY projects. Sheri says, "I am a self-admitted crafting freak! There’s something about creating these amazing projects that is therapeutic. When I’m designing, I am in my own world … a world where everything is peaceful and right."


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