Aging: Words of encouragement from a 9 year old

Well, I turned 40 last month. I’ve never given much thought to aging. Getting older has never bothered me…until this year. 40. 40. I still find myself saying it aloud, sometimes. Maybe I am trying to convince myself that I really am FORTY! I made the comment “I can’t believe that I am really 40” to which my youngest daughter replied, “Mama, 40 isn’t old.” She paused, then added, “…but enjoy it because 50 is really old.”

Okay. So I have officially been given words of encouragement. Am I supposed to feel better knowing that 50 is not that far aways and, according to my young philosopher, is OLD? Actually, I do feel better. Not because of my age or the fact that 50 is not that far away…but because my sweetie pie loves me so much! In her own way she wanted to make me feel better. We, as adults, forget the innocent honesty that is unintentially blurted out. So, I have to look at the bigger picture. Shouldn’t we all?

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