Tag: wip

Nanowrimo 2021 – Are you in?

Nanowrimo 2021 – Are you in?

I’ve planned to participate in Nanowrimo every year, well, for years. Work always gets in the way. Not this year! My account is set, initial word count added. The clock starts today! If you’re participating, let’s be buddies. And good luck to us all! I’m excited to 

Impromptu Quarantine Post: Staying safe from the ’rona, sheltering with 2 dogs and a cat, and writing

Impromptu Quarantine Post: Staying safe from the ’rona, sheltering with 2 dogs and a cat, and writing

I hope everyone is healthy and staying safe in these crazy times. I’ve been self-isolating with my dogs and cat. My sister is the only person I’ve visited since the first of March. I miss my children and grandchildren! Crafting with my sister is always